Be Your Bestie

Be Your Own Bestie

Whether you are single or in a relationship, taking on getting to know yourself can offfer a great deal to support you and your tribe in building a sustainable partnership.  If you get overwhelmed by your interests and cannot seem to find time for each of them, taking on getting to know yourself can support clarity in honing your interests.  I am interested in your feedback, please contact me with your comments or questions about my content. 

Get to know yourself,

Because here’s the deal, if you don’t know you how do you know what you want or need from others? 

Taking the time to get to know myself has been instrumental. In being able to attract my tribe.  I know how to ask for support and am gaining the ability to know who to ask for support from.  Some people offer different types of support. Getting to know myself also allows me to be with a variety of people.  I have many different interests & therefore spend chunks of time with different people to support those interests.  

I’ve honed in on my hobbies and interests, I’ve accepted myself in all aspects and I’ve given myself permission to be myself.  I managed all this by taking the time to get to know me.  

Go on “me dates”. 

I love going on me dates.  It’s an opportunity to not wait for a relationship to go on a date.  While I’d love this to be with someone special, 

I AM someone special 

YOU are someone special 

I treat myself to a nice dinner, or a special event or whatever. It fulfills my heart to acknowledge myself as someone who deserves a nice treat.  I don’t want to wait for a date to remind myself that I deserve the best treatment.  

Be compassionate to yourself. 

This is one great step to self reliance.  Being compassionate to yourself.  You are great at beating yourself up and cutting yourself down.  

Be great at giving yourself space to make mistakes and be ok.  

Be great at comforting yourself despite making mistakes.  Making mistakes is totally human and it’s all good.  Love yourself through those times.  

Be great at giving yourself permission to not have your shit together! 

I have learned that sometimes no one else can give me the compassion and empathy that I’m looking for.  I have practiced self compassion and self empathy.  While oftentimes it’s nice to have external compassion it is just as nice to be able to offer this to myself.  

Show yourself the same love you would your best friend

I was once challenged by a coach to say the things to myself that I would say to a friend.  If you would tel your friend to stop beating himself up over a mistake, then tell yourself the same thing.  

You absolutely deserve your own kindness. 

You absolutely deserve your own gratitude.  

You absolutely deserve your own grace.  

Take a moment and reflect on how you are to your friends.  Then think of yourself as your best friend! 

My invitation is that you take on treating yourself as your own best friend.  What are the kinds of treats you would give her?  What are the types of outings you would take her on?  What types of interests and hobbies would ignite her energies?  Journal about what comes up for you when you take on the practice of being your own bestie.  

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