The Psychic Senses

January 26 2025

The Psychic Senses

By Sara Waggle

I’m going to discuss a deeper topic than I normally do this week.  It’s one I have talked a lot about in recent YouTube videos and I feel it will be more noticeable this year than usual.  

The Clairs, A.K.A. Psychic abilities, Psychic Senses or overactive sense or hyperactive senses.  Either way please bear with me, because even if you don’t believe in them, we each have the physical 5 senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting (And I know some of us have a sensory disability, work with me here.). 

What happens when one or more of these biological 5 senses is limited or nonexistent? Blindness (unable to physically see), deafness (inability to physically hear), anosmia (inability to physically smell), ageusia (inability to physically  taste) or anaphia (inability to physically feel/touch). And most of us know that these senses are based on neurological functions, how your nervous system responds to stimuli interacting with the sense.  

What if when any of these 5 senses is shut off, another is heightened? A common misconception amongst blind people is they have automatic heightened senses of hearing or touching…most of us know this isn’t inherently true without practice or training to work with those senses.  

In other instances, senses are just naturally over or hyper active, like someone who can distinguish multiple fragrances, or someone who is overwhelmed in a loud environment with a crowd of people.  

But with practice and training we can each learn to work with our 5 physical senses and in most if not all cases, we each have the ability to use our 5 senses as a form of psychic interpretation.  

I did not always believe in psychic abilities. Not unlike you I thought psychics were crystal ball gazing weirdos on 900 numbers who someone predicted my future.  

I assure you true psychic abilities is not like that at all.  Psychic abilities is a way we can interpret our world with a higher knowing when something is off, or a higher knowing that someone or something is present.  

I personally cannot tell you which of my psychic senses are online, I’ve experienced many of them throughout life at different times.  I’ve practiced with them in silent meditation and in guided meditation. 

Here’s an example: I was in communication with someone I considered a mentor. Every time I would try to type a message to him I would get a heaviness in my gut & I would tremble while trying to type.  My logical brain thought this was anticipation, like I’m not advanced enough in my skills to be trying to communicate with him.  It turns out the heaviness and trembling was my bodies way of saying NO! Stay away, he’s not what you think he is.  As soon as I stopped connecting with him and moved on to a different mentor, the feeling went away.  I feel like this is an example of clairsentience.  Oftentimes I have a bodily response to information, people and events and it has taken a lot of practice for me to interpret and understand the meaning of it all.  I would not say I’m perfect at it, but I understand it more now.  

I have had numerous examples lately with numbers and a just knowing that I’m meant to do the thing I’m about to do.  Like when I sent you guys the channeled message video, I had been listening to a podcast & stopped it right in the middle and the clock read 14:41 a palindrome which is a numeric sequence that resonates with me.  

The Clairs: 

clairvoyance, clear seeing possibly through the third eye but can also be having visions 

clairaudience, clear hearing, hearing sounds not present or hearing sounds others cannot

claircognizance, clear knowing, knowing something no one else seems to know. Could also be foresight combining claircognizance and clairvoyance

clairsentience, having a clear feeling, you can feel in your physical body whether something is true or not.

clairgustance, clear tasting, tasting something you’re not eating or drinking.

clairalience clear smelling, smelling something that is not present.  

Have you ever noticed your body respond in a certain way to an event, people or information?  It’s okay if you haven’t and it’s okay if you have.  

I will also say these senses present differently at different times because your spiritual self wants to determine the best way to communicate or show you things.  

Why am I bringing this up now?  The North Node has moved into Pisces and will be there through July 2026.  During this initial stretch through May or so, it is directly communicating (conjunct) Neptune.  Neptune & Pisces speak the same language.  Both are dreamy, creative, spiritual, floaty and watery.  This ongoing conversation between Neptune and the North Node can bring psychic abilities online or amplfy them.  I’ve had a lot more visions, feelings, synchronicities and more the need for quiet in the last month than usual.  There are messages coming through at rapid rates.  This has been great for my book writing and overwhelming on my body having me rest more than usual…thankfully it’s been to cold to do anything outside.  

I am also bringing this up now because for some people as these psychic senses come online, it is overwhelming and overstimulating causing them to feel like they are hallucinating or that they are crazy to feel, see, know or interpret the world around them.

And finally, your spiritual self won’t force the issue, so if you ignore them they won’t force, but they may show up in a different way.  I have had that experience as has many of my clients.  Sometimes your spiritual self tries different methods to see what you respond to and sometimes they just really need you to hear a message so they will give you multiple presentations of that message to work with.  

I feel like every spiritual practitioner has different interpretations. Personally, I will say to a client that I don’t know because I don’t know how your spiritual self communicates with you, but if it’s showing up for you, it’s meant for you.  

I know this was a lot to take in if you are new to this area.  Please feel free to book a meeting with me if you have questions.