We conclude the Eat the Rainbow fruits & vegetables challenge with brown & white. This has been a fun challenge and I’ve enjoyed bringing it to you. it’s my hope that you’ve found some creative ways in implement various colors of fruits and vegetables into your weekly meal prepping. Eating the Rainbow Article.
Podcast Archives:
Eat the Rainbow Wk 4: Purple/blue
We continue this 5 week journey with the colors purple & blue. I’ll admit, my favorite colors but not my favorite foods. Join us this week as we discuss implementing purple & blue fruits & vegetables into your nutrition plan. Eat the Rainbow Article.
Eat the Rainbow wk 3: Green!
We continue the Eating the Rainbow nutrition challenge with the color green. Possibly my favorite as I. Consume green smoothies, broccoli & many other green vegetables on a regular basis. Eat the Rainbow Article
Eating the Rainbow WK 2: Orange & Yellow
Monthly Challenge series: Eating the Rainbow Week 2: This week we are looking at fruits & vegetables that are orange & yellow. Each week of (5) this challenge we will look at a different color of fruits & vegetables, discuss which ones fall into that category and options for consumption. Eating the Rainbow article: Here
Eat the Rainbow Challenge
For the next 5 weeks we will have a different color of fruits & vegetables to explore. Attached is the article we are using as a guide for this challenge. To join the live challenge use the Facebook group link below. Otherwise, stay tuned each week for a new episode of the challenge for theContinue reading “Eat the Rainbow Challenge”