Holy Shifts!!

Holy shifts!  I’ve been feeling so many different emotions and levels of energy.  Do you feel it?  What does it feel like to you?  Confusing? Roller Coaster? Peaks & valleys?  What’s coming up for you during this stretch of time?  

I want to be a support for you or anyone you know who is experiencing some shifts in energy and would like to let it out.  

First of all and read this again if you desire- Wherever you are experiencing with the energy is OK!- go read that again.  You are where you are meant to be with the energy and processing though it.  

It can process in so many ways and it’s completely different for everyone.  For some it may be sick to their stomach, some it may show up as confusion, others it may show up as anger.  However it’s showing up for you or anyone else is completely OK as we are all humans and experience everything differently.  There is no right or wrong way.  

A few pointers: 

Slow down & get quiet:  There’s a lot of pressure to be productive, but that doesn’t mean you must follow the crowd.  It’s absolutely perfect if you give yourself permission to slow down and just be in the moment.  

Journal and meditation:  Write down the experiences you are having in the moment.  Journaling not only helps you process but also gets stuff out of your system so more stuff can surface from you.  Meditation is simply a means to get quiet.  And if you are wondering the difference between prayer and meditation is: Prayer is asking for the things, meditation is listening for the response.  

Self care: Be kind and graceful to yourself.  If your sleeping is off,  exercise is off or ntutrition is off it’s all good.  Comfort food is the best when your emotions are all over the place.  

My offer to you and anyone you know: 

I’m making myself readily available for anyone who needs support.  This is a 60 minute call with me to just be wherever you need to be with this situation.  I will be here to hold space for you to let everything out.  Or, if you’re looking to start a new project, I’ve got space for that as well.  

The thing about the fee?

I’m not going to set a price tag on this call.  I want you to pay me the value you feel you received from our session.  I am going to set a minimum of $25 for a 1 hour session.  Please feel free to share this with anyone who you feel would benefit from it.  

Contact me: 

E-mail: sewcoaching@gmail.com

Phone: 7733697272